Friday, August 10, 2007

Bella Purplenose

Bella Purplenose
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Sometimes the model (even though it's her only job) doesn't feel like posing.

Hmmmm, maybe we should have given her the treats after the modeling session instead of before.
Duh, outsmarted by the weime again.

OOna says hello

OOna says hello
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Just a little hello from cute little Miss. Blue Eyes.
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

OOna Karate Chop

OOna Karate Chop
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

OOna kitty back to her coo-coo head self, can you see her front feet - faster than a bullet.

Ummm, we won't talk about the fact that she misses the ball. OOna kitty says she missed on purpose.

Bella & The Perfect Toy4

Bella & The Perfect Toy4
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Bella - 1

Box - 0

Bella & The Perfect Toy3

Bella & The Perfect Toy3
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Miss. Mess loves to rip big chucks off the box and throw them, it's really rather funny. Still treats inside so the destuction goes on.

Bella & The Perfect Toy2

Bella & The Perfect Toy2
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

A busy weime is a happy weime...i think the box is losing.

Bella & The Perfect Toy1

Bella & The Perfect Toy1
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Sometimes all you need is a good box to destory...

Even though we have spent probably thousands (over 12 plus years) on every kind & make of toy you can think of. Little Miss. Mess here (and yes she makes a mess as you can see) thinks a sealed up box with some treats in it is still the best.

Silly humans just have no clue just how great a box can be...

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

OOna on blue & green

OOna on blue & green
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Like her sister Bella, OOna knows how to work a room, just the sweetest little doll when she wants to be.

An update from yesterday: OOna is feeling much better. She went to the vet, who said she sprained her back left leg and that she'll be fine. Her temp is back to normal and she's up & playing again. She should be back to her full crazy self in a week.

Thanks for all the love to OOna (we think it's all going to her head) .

Bella the Treat Thief

Bella the Treat Thief
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Sometimes you just have to take things into your own paws.
Bella rule #5: If the treats don't come to you, figure out a way to get them yourself.

We think Gwen's homemade dog biscuits are a hit with the official taste tester. Silly humans say there's a limit, Miss. Bella laughs at limits. Ha!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

OOna in a bag

OOna in a bag
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Sometimes, she just so damn cute it makes you go eeeeeeep!
She loves tiny little caves (or bags) and she just loves to be cuddled.

We were a little worried about littleOOna kitty late last night. She seemed like she wasn't feel complete all that well. We think she may have hurt her back left leg. It seemed like she was running a little hotter than normal and she was a little sluggish, but she was still very loving (really wanting to be held and cuddled), purring a lot and moving around a little but just not standing or playing. We watched her all night and she's much better this morning, acting almost 100% again. We're not sure what it was, but think she may have spranded her back left leg jumping while we weren't there and that maybe it caused her to get a little bit of a fever. We'll keep a close eye one her today, but we're pretty sure she's going to be fine since she back to acting like the normal crazy OOna kitty.

Bet she just wanted extra attention and loving, silly OOna kitty.

Bella through the doorway

Bella through the doorway
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

I had loaded this one before, but never liked the quality of that one so i thought i would try it again. This one is much better, i think.

It's funny how you just know you are being watched by the weimaraner. Gwen was cooking and Bella had gone outside to play a little in the backyard right outside the back window to where Gwen was at. But Bella being Bella, she decided that she had had enough and wanted in so she open the door enough first to peek in, then to run in. You see, Bella has always been able to open any door no matter the handle (how she does it we aren't sure since neither of us has seen her do it, but trust me she can).

This photo came when Gwen heard her opening the door, Gwen grab the camera and got back to catch this. Little Miss. Sneeky Devil in the act, but oh so innocent looking.

Silly humans can't outsmart the weime.

Monday, August 06, 2007

OOna lounge

OOna lounge
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

OOna and her new soft pink bed - there nothing wild left in her. A little AC, soft beds, good food, we think the purrbox knew what she was doing being 'accidently' found by her big sister Bella. Yeah right, the little cunning rat knew three suckers she could rule over. Yeah, just look at those 'waaaayyyy too cute' deer eyes and try and tell me she's not up to some evil world domination. She's plotting now, i know it.

ps. don't get to close, her purring fries your brain keeping you from thinking. no really, it's true! run, run, flee, save yourself, while you still have a chance. The OOna kitty wins all, WAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!

Bella by candle light

Bella by candle light
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Bella looking all beautiful in the late night candle light.
