Thursday, January 10, 2008

OOna abstract

OOna abstract
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

so sorry, the OOna kitty hasn't posted of late, like us, she is worried about her big sis.
But do not fret, oh OOna minions, the little evil mastermind is still determind that world conquest will be hers. Even OOna kitty evil masterminds have to take a small break to take care of family. She will soon be back on herevil path for world domination so sleep well.......for now....

WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! aaaahh, that was the OOna kitty, not me, no really, it was, don't be trick by the cutest, really, she's evil, she is....

Obey the OOna kitty!


Originally uploaded by studio583art.

First let me say thanks for all your wonderful comments and well wishes, it means a great deal to us and our little Bella.

We’ve pretty much have made up our minds, after much talking, researching and listening we know where we are leaning. I think what it all comes down to is quality over quantity. In other words, we would would rather have her happy and with us for a shorter period of time than here for longer, miserable and feeling ill. We spoke with another doctor (who we respect a great deal, and has a long history with Bella’s health) to get a second opinion and he agrees that the amikacin is a severe drug and that her condition is probably more anatomical/physiological, meaning the infection would more than likely come back no matter how effective this or any drug is in getting rid of it. He gave us a few tips that might help deal with the bacteria, but he felt that maintaining her current treatment was a good course of action for now. Our goal is to keep her comfortable, happy and feeling like herself for as long as we can maintain it. Certainly we would not deny her any treatments that would make a difference for her but for now she’s doing really well and this drug would only put her through hell. We are just so relieved to hear that we were not being unreasonable and that we do have realistic expectations. The problem with so many doctors is that their goal is life, not quality of life and the only measure for what we would do for B is what we would do for ourselves. We would rather have her for one good month, than 6 months of her feeling miserable. It’s not fair to ask that of our pets even though we have that ability. For now, all is good in Bella Land, she’s moving around strong, enjoying omega 3 scrambled eggs in the AM and seems to be maintaining her weight very well. She even is running like bambi in the backyard, it’s so cute.

We’ll take anything we can get for now and see what tomorrow brings. As with everything, you just have to take it one day at a time and try to make the best decisions you can. I think the hardest thing about having a pet is loving them and i mean really loving them – the puptalk, petting stuff is the easy part, it’s the hard decisions, the trying to do right by their faith & love in you. They can’t always speak for themselves and that’s what’s so hard, you have to know them so well so that you can really be their voice and do right by them. As much as they give us and they always give 100%, we have to give that back a hundred times over, especially through the hard times.

Bambi in Bellaland, she is our heart, our everything…

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

hard decision...

hard decision...
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Not to throw everyone into what is going o n with our Miss. Bella, but we are kind of facing a hard decision and are stuck.

A little background:
Bella for the past year has been fighting one UTI after another, a lot of it because of her hind leg issues. Our poor girl (whose always been a fighter) has been on every kind of antibodic know to k9 and human care, she has been through everything to try and kick this DAMN UTI (we have spared no expsence in the care our amazing little girl, even if it meant the humans didn't eat). The shitty thing is, of all the health problems Bella has had, this is the only thing that we've not been able to beat, it has only gotten worse. Now she has to types of bacteria in her bladder and one is a really mean one. One of her vets is afraid that if we don't do what she call a 'only if you have to' drug then the bacteria 'might' travel up into her kidneys. The problem is, as bad as the bacteria is, the 'only if you have to' drug can be just as bad (to what we have been told & all our research - we both research the hell out of everything). To top all this off, beside the bacteria in her bladder Bella is doing great. she is on an antibotic that is keeping everything somewhat in check and I know this sounds crazy but she's eating well, at her target weight, is happy, loves to play and even jumps (not as high as she use to granted) & trots a little. She loves rides, short walks, smiles and is as loving as ever. You also have to understand that Bella has had health issues since she was seven and we have battled everything & i do mean EVERYTHING - from cancer (twice) to crazy stuff that even the vets had never seen so non of this comes out lightly and we both know and watch our little girl like hawks. We know when things aren't right, when she not happy and well, she's happy. The question is whether to give her the drug. before you answer...

The 'only if you have to' drug:
Amikacin sulfate injection is indicated in the short-term treatment of serious infections due to susceptible strains of Gram-negative bacteria, including Pseudomonas species, Escherichia coli, species of indole-positive and indole-negative Proteus, Providencia species, Klebsiella-Enterobacter-Serratia species, and Acinetobacter (Mima-Herellea) species.

Side affects:
Kidney damage and hearing loss are the most important effects, but also loss of balance, vomiting, lace of appetite, depression or changes in drinking and urination and even kidney failure while under treatment with Amikacin.

The way the drug is given is through seven injections that we will have to do and the cost will be around $500-$600 (the cost when it comes to Bella isn't an issue). What really scares us are the side affects, , the vet is saying don't worry but kidney failure is all i have to say. She was on Macrobid this past December and she had to come off that drug because she stop eating (lossing more than 10 pounds) and very unhappy, we had to fight the vet. Trust me, one of the hardest thing to do is trust your instincts, go against the vet. In the end, the care of your pet is completely in your hands, it's never easy but it's even harder sometimes when it's a 'once in a lifetime dog' like Bella.(even the vet techs call sometimes to check on how and what's she doing)

So here's our dilemma:
Should we let her go through the treatment, taking a chance that the drug will finally take out the bacteria and risk her health spiraling down (our worst fear is for her to be in any pain)...or should keep everything as is, let her be as happy as she is, enjoying everyday we have if her. (trust me, this is hard to type). We don't want to put her through a lot of pain (side affects) and then we loss her right after that.

Like i said, "We are stuck."
Sorry this is so long, kind of have diarrhea of the fingers. If anyone makes it through this and has more infomation about Amikacin and this treatment, we would love to hear it.
thanks for reading...

hurting in Bella land...

Monday, January 07, 2008

OOna acrobat

OOna acrobat
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

HA! HA! I am OOna kitty evil mastermind, i am higher than anyone, i am on top of the wor...hey waaaaaiiitt one minute...this is just a freaking stool...hmmmm, i will get those silly humans, they told me this was the top of the world...hmmmm, the OOna kitty is not pleased...i will just have to come up with a new plan.

beware silly humans, i will rule yet!

Obey the OOna kitty!

Bella strong

Bella strong
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

standing strong & looking beautiful on an overcast day...
