Friday, December 21, 2007

OOna mesoevil

OOna mesoevil
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

'twas the night before OOnamas...ah i mean Christmas…

‘twas the night before Christmas all was cold and dark
Not a sound could be heard, not even a bark
Four stockings were hung by the chimney with care
And Bella sat up with hopes that St. Nicholas would soon be there

OOna was in back working on some evil genius scheme
to take over the world or so it would seem.
Gwen with her trusty paintbrush and i being rather quaint
we both had just settled in for a great night to paint

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
I sprang from my easel to see what was the matter
And ran to the window, I tripped over Bella landing with a smash
she had jumped up to, racing to the window in a dash

As I crawled out from under the crazy, jumping dog
I peeked out to see new fallen snow through the a winter’s fog
When what to my watering eyes should there appear
But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer

With a bound and a click,
Bella was out the door to see old St. Nick
And before I could chase after her
The door slam shut, we were tied up in a blur

All in a heap, tied up in a very complex knot
Gwen and I were confused as to how we came to this spot
It was OOna kitty who had struck, she obviously had a plan
She was going to take St. Nick and his whole reindeer band

“Oh Dasher, oh Dancer, Oh Prancer and Vixen
Oh Comet, oh Cupid, oh Donner and Blitzen!”
She screamed with glee
“I will rule the world and Santa’s sleigh is the key!”

And then in a twinkling, we heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof
As I heard Bella barking and playing in the snow unbound
Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound

But before Santa could move, OOna had tided him quite quick
To see a kitty do this was a rather impressive trick
You see, her plan was quite simple but brilliant, I must say
She simply had to wear a red sock hat and steal Santa’s sleigh

She would pass out all the toys, giving credit to OOna kitty
She would become a hero the world over, city by city
It was all over, simply nothing to be done
OOna kitty would be world leader, she would soon be number one

With a paw to her tiny nose and up the chimney she zoom
With blank stares we three sat there so sure of our doom
And with a little tingle (WAHAHAAHAHA!) we heard her evil laugh
No one could save us now, no even a giraffe (WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!)

But when OOna kitty got to the sleigh on the roof top
She bubbled up with anger surely ready to pop
All the reindeer were gone, oh where have they stray
It was Bella that had untied them for some fun snow play

OOna screamed “All reindeer back in place!!”
But they all just laughed at her funny little red face
In a fury she hopped up and down on that snowny roof
And with a slip and a slide, down she came with a poof

Bella snatch her up saying, “Let’s play and have fun!”
While Comet untied us, OOna’s evil scheme was surely undone
Being a right jolly old elf, Santa was really not mad
“Such a cute little OOna kitty, how could she be so bad.”

Then he filled all our stockings, even OOna kitty’s stocking too
He gave Bella a kiss on her head, then up the chimney he flew
Landing softly on the roof top, calling all the reindeer back up
I swear I heard him whisper, “What a wonderful little pup.”

He sprang to his sleigh, and to his team gave a whistle
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle
But I thought I heard OOna kitty say though I know it’s not funny.
“Merry Christmas, yeah, yeah…ooohhh there’s always the Easter Bunny.”

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Everyone!
Love Bella, Gwen, Scott & OOna too!

Bella reindeer

Bella reindeer
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

a Christmas Bella story...

‘twas the night before OOnamas...ah i mean Christmas…

‘twas the night before Christmas all was cold and dark
Not a sound could be heard, not even a bark
Four stockings were hung by the chimney with care
And Bella sat up with hopes that St. Nicholas would soon be there

OOna was in back working on some evil genius scheme
to take over the world or so it would seem.
Gwen with her trusty paintbrush and i being rather quaint
we both had just settled in for a great night to paint

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
I sprang from my easel to see what was the matter
And ran to the window, I tripped over Bella landing with a smash
she had jumped up to, racing to the window in a dash

As I crawled out from under the crazy, jumping dog
I peeked out to see new fallen snow through the a winter’s fog
When what to my watering eyes should there appear
But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer

With a bound and a click,
Bella was out the door to see old St. Nick
And before I could chase after her
The door slam shut, we were tied up in a blur

All in a heap, tied up in a very complex knot
Gwen and I were confused as to how we came to this spot
It was OOna kitty who had struck, she obviously had a plan
She was going to take St. Nick and his whole reindeer band

“Oh Dasher, oh Dancer, Oh Prancer and Vixen
Oh Comet, oh Cupid, oh Donner and Blitzen!”
She screamed with glee
“I will rule the world and Santa’s sleigh is the key!”

And then in a twinkling, we heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof
As I heard Bella barking and playing in the snow unbound
Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound

But before Santa could move, OOna had tided him quite quick
To see a kitty do this was a rather impressive trick
You see, her plan was quite simple but brilliant, I must say
She simply had to wear a red sock hat and steal Santa’s sleigh

She would pass out all the toys, giving credit to OOna kitty
She would become a hero the world over, city by city
It was all over, simply nothing to be done
OOna kitty would be world leader, she would soon be number one

With a paw to her tiny nose and up the chimney she zoom
With blank stares we three sat there so sure of our doom
And with a little tingle (WAHAHAAHAHA!) we heard her evil laugh
No one could save us now, no even a giraffe (WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!)

But when OOna kitty got to the sleigh on the roof top
She bubbled up with anger surely ready to pop
All the reindeer were gone, oh where have they stray
It was Bella that had untied them for some fun snow play

OOna screamed “All reindeer back in place!!”
But they all just laughed at her funny little red face
In a fury she hopped up and down on that snowny roof
And with a slip and a slide, down she came with a poof

Bella snatch her up saying, “Let’s play and have fun!”
While Comet untied us, OOna’s evil scheme was surely undone
Being a right jolly old elf, Santa was really not mad
“Such a cute little OOna kitty, how could she be so bad.”

Then he filled all our stockings, even OOna kitty’s stocking too
He gave Bella a kiss on her head, then up the chimney he flew
Landing softly on the roof top, calling all the reindeer back up
I swear I heard him whisper, “What a wonderful little pup.”

He sprang to his sleigh, and to his team gave a whistle
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle
But I thought I heard OOna kitty say though I know it’s not funny.
“Merry Christmas, yeah, yeah…ooohhh there’s always the Easter Bunny.”

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Everyone!
Love Bella, Gwen, Scott & OOna too!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Bella redscarf

Bella redscarf
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Bella just did her big christmas photo modeling so we'll be posting her beautiful shots over the next couple of days.
Definitely will post most over the next couple of days and (Yay!) even a 'Bella adventure' story too! If everyone wants to hear one. (p.s. even OOna kitty might make an appearance, heehee)

Happy Holidays!

OOna interruptedlove

OOna interruptedlove
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

hmmmmmmm...perhaps the mystery of who OOna inherited her evil genius from is answered...

and the camera person backs slowly away...

Obey the OOna kitty! (glup!)

Monday, December 17, 2007

Bella brows

Bella brows
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Bella giving one of her "looks", always been a master at staring you down.

She got her check-up with her major vet (she has three, long story but then again Bella's med. file is bigger than 'War & Peace' ). Her vet said she looks great except she needs to gain a little weight, nothing like a doc. telling you to eat as much as you want. The little cutie was very excited!

OOna smiles

OOna smiles
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

the silly little evil genius mastermind loves to give us this silly sly smile, she's definitely plotting world domination.

we think the OOna kitty is definitly pleased to be with her people...just remember, the little evil mastermind is still working her OOna mindmelt, don't get zapped...

Obey the OOna kitty
