Thursday, October 11, 2007

Obey The OOna Kitty

Obey The OOna Kitty
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Yes, the OOna kitty made us do it. Now you too can be one of her minion.
Just go to :

Studio583art shop

You can have your very own 'Obey The OOna Kitty' on a shirt, bag, poster or even a mug. Sorry, we just had to do it, made us giggle.
We are donating 5% of anything with the 'Obey The OOna Kitty' design on it to the Morris Animal Foundation. To find out more about them just go to

thanks and remember:
Obey The OOna Kitty!

Bella sea of pink

Bella sea of pink
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

the Bella eye is watching, can you see it...

OOna noir

OOna noir
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

So as we dive ever deeper into the dark and mysterious OOna evil mastermind's murky past we have found clues that at one point she was in league with the somewhat famous Dastardly Dan but had decide to strike out on her own because of his many unforgivable mishaps. We have also uncovered evidence (with great personal risk, i might add) that she may have had a paw in the disastrous "Kill the Rabbit" campaign of the 1950's with the bumbling Mr. Fudd. Although it is also rumored that she saved face somewhat by exposing this horrid event by being a paid advisor on the now famous "What's Opera, Doc?" (of course, making Fudd the complete baddy-bad and leaving out her own evil actions in the whole affair & Bugs mysteriously going along with this willingly....hmmmmmmmm, veeeeerrrry interesting)

Time will only tell what other evilness we may uncover by trying to understand what makes this great evil mastermind genius tick. We understand the great risk that we three face by horboring such an evil masterind and that with her OOna mindmelt we too could become a minion in her quest to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAH...ahhhh oh sorry, slipped there....oh no she getting to, hide before it's to

Obey the OOna kitty!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Bella sunbright

Bella sunbright
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Taking a rest in the bright sunlight of a great day...

The countdown is up & running and we're all running around like chicken little and friends. Looks like we'll be right up against the wire getting everything ready for her big day but i think (hope may be more like it...ARE WE FREAKING CRAZY) we'll be ready in time. The backyard still isn't completely done and we start prep work on the food tonight. As you can tell, cool as a cucumber Bella is relax and kicked back thinking (like always) that her silly humans have gone off the deep end.

A SUPER BIG, BIG THANK YOU to Kia, Lylah & Mindy for the wonderful for the wonderful homemade all natural treats for Bella's birthday.
Thank you so much, she loves them!

Kitty Warcry

Kitty Warcry
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

I am kitty, hear me roar
In numbers too big to ignore
And I know too much to go back an' pretend
'cause I've heard it all before
And I've been down there on the floor
No one's ever gonna keep me down again

Oh yes I am wise
But it's wisdom born of pain
Yes, I've paid the price
But look how much I gained
If I have to, I can do anything
I am strong (strong)
I am invincible (invincible)
I am kitty...

heehee...OOna kitty warcry

Obey the OOna kitty!

Monday, October 08, 2007

Bella cream

Bella cream
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Bella and her after bath cream on her bedroom bed. Yes, she has her own bed for the times when she doesn't to sleep with us (it's the same heigth as our bed). The grey covered part is a folded over twin futon and the pick part is an 'Urban Sprawl' dog bed (one of the best out there, if you've not heard of it) and another dog bed inbetween covered with a quilt. Our friend Randy (who he and his partener Patrick just resued a bull-terrrier, YAY!! they'll be great parents!) doesn't call Bella spoiled, he calls her fortunate.

I smile, because really, we are the fortunate ones, not her. Thank you my love.

OOna we're screwed

OOna we're screwed
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

ok, i know people laugh and wink behind our backs about the whole OOna Mindmelt thing and that she 'reeeaaally' isn't trying to take over the world, but hey don't listen to me, nnnooooo, just sing your merry little songs and wink & nudge each other making fun of the silly artists.
You just wait....uhhmmmmm....see here ...MORE PROOF!! HA!HA!

So you see, we were getting ready to head out the door just the other day and Gwen grabbed the door knob which came off in her hand. Hmmmmm...yes we thought this was strange, but hey we live in an old (20's) house and something like this isn't all together unusual. Scott grabbed his tools to fix it, but there were no screws, hmmmm...even stranger. So while Scott was looking for screws, Gwen decided to go out another door to check the mail...the same thing happen(the door knob came off)....stranger still...we go check the last outside door and yes you guess it THE FREAKING DOOR KNOB FALLS OFF THIS DOOR TOO!!!!!!!!!!

So after we both stop screaming (October-Halloween-Evil Mastermind OOna Kitty In The House, you would scream too), Bella slaps us and does her weime point thing at OOna (Evil Mastermind).
THIS IS WHAT WE SAW!! This is also when we realized there was evil laughing in the air (hey, when you live with evil laughing everyday, you tend to not notice it). Luckily Scott had the camera in his hand and was able to click this photo (look closely, you can see the screws, how she got them out remains a mystery).

Obey the OOna Kitty!!
