Thursday, October 11, 2007

OOna noir

OOna noir
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

So as we dive ever deeper into the dark and mysterious OOna evil mastermind's murky past we have found clues that at one point she was in league with the somewhat famous Dastardly Dan but had decide to strike out on her own because of his many unforgivable mishaps. We have also uncovered evidence (with great personal risk, i might add) that she may have had a paw in the disastrous "Kill the Rabbit" campaign of the 1950's with the bumbling Mr. Fudd. Although it is also rumored that she saved face somewhat by exposing this horrid event by being a paid advisor on the now famous "What's Opera, Doc?" (of course, making Fudd the complete baddy-bad and leaving out her own evil actions in the whole affair & Bugs mysteriously going along with this willingly....hmmmmmmmm, veeeeerrrry interesting)

Time will only tell what other evilness we may uncover by trying to understand what makes this great evil mastermind genius tick. We understand the great risk that we three face by horboring such an evil masterind and that with her OOna mindmelt we too could become a minion in her quest to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAH...ahhhh oh sorry, slipped there....oh no she getting to, hide before it's to

Obey the OOna kitty!

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