Thursday, February 14, 2008

oona liefde

oona liefde
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

I’ve been told so many times in my life that loving something or rather someone isn’t easy, that it takes work and commitment, that you have to make sacrifices and be willing to give up other things. And well, I guess that that’s true to a degree, but what I rarely hear is that when you do have that special love non of that really matters. In fact, it’s all those things that make that love that much more special than anything else you can possibly understand. To have that connection, that understanding, that……what you go through with that pet (or even that human) is what not only deepens the love you share, but in so many ways it shapes just who you are and how you look at the world. When you have that truly and deeply, “I’ll give up anything and do anything” kind of love, it completely changes the person and soul inside you. You understand that’s it’s no longer just about you, that the whole picture of your life includes this being and how their needs, their life, their love is you. To truly love another is sacrifice, but it’s also knowing that with that sacrifice comes something you will never fully understand but will will be the most incredible thing to touch you forever throughout your life. If you only experience that kind of love once in your life, then you are lucky beyond your imaginings, if more…well, let’s just say something close to phenomenal.

I am fortunate to have three great such loves…how many do you have…

Love them and really be there with them today and always…

A Bella Valentine to everyone!
love, Bella, Gwen, Scott & OOna too

And OOna sends love out to all her minions!
Obey the OOna kitty!

Bella liebe

Bella liebe
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

I’ve been told so many times in my life that loving something or rather someone isn’t easy, that it takes work and commitment, that you have to make sacrifices and be willing to give up other things. And well, I guess that that’s true to a degree, but what I rarely hear is that when you do have that special love non of that really matters. In fact, it’s all those things that make that love that much more special than anything else you can possibly understand. To have that connection, that understanding, that……what you go through with that pet (or even that human) is what not only deepens the love you share, but in so many ways it shapes just who you are and how you look at the world. When you have that truly and deeply, “I’ll give up anything and do anything” kind of love, it completely changes the person and soul inside you. You understand that’s it’s no longer just about you, that the whole picture of your life includes this being and how their needs, their life, their love is you. To truly love another is sacrifice, but it’s also knowing that with that sacrifice comes something you will never fully understand but will will be the most incredible thing to touch you forever throughout your life. If you only experience that kind of love once in your life, then you are lucky beyond your imaginings, if more…well, let’s just say something close to phenomenal.

I am fortunate to have three great such loves…how many do you have…

Love them and really be there with them today and always…

A Bella Valentine to everyone!
love, Bella, Gwen, Scott & OOna too

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Three girls

Three girls
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

The three cuties & yes, they are on the same sofa together. No photoshop, we swear! Of course, you'll notice that Princess Bella and the evil mastermind have to be kept at opposite ends (Bella still isn't to fond of her little sister, future world leader or not).

Oh, and don't look to closely or you'll get zapped by the OOna mindmelt, the little evil one never messes an opportunity to try and brainwash some more minions.

Obey the OOna kitty!

Monday, February 11, 2008

OOna & her boy

OOna & her boy
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

just a shot of the OOna kitty evil mastermind mulling over some new world domination schemes with her main male minion...

Obey the OOna kitty!

Bella shadow

Bella shadow
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

just a little weime shadow play...
