Friday, June 15, 2007

Bella Hide-n-Seek

Bella Hide-n-Seek
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

know this shot is a little grainy, but it was shot in the dark.

You see one of Bella favorite games to play even when she was the tiniest of little pups has been hide-n-seek.
Sometimes it's her that does the hiding; under sheets or a blanket (she's always loved having herself completely covered including her head) and she loves it when you look under the sheets to find her, that's when you get all tongue and the more you giggle the funnier she thinks it is.

The other way she likes to play hide-n-seek is when one or both of her silly humans hide. She gets all excited and you can hear her running around the house, barking and looking through everything and everywhere to find whomever is hiding. She always knows when the game is afoot and she will always find you. heehee, silly weime

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Bella and her molecuball

Bella and her molecuball
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Bella loves this toy and i must say i could sit and watch her playing with it all day. The toy is like three balls fused together with a small hole in the middle. The idea is that you can put small treats in it and your dog will knock and chase it around to get the treats out. Bella, being smarter than the average bear, figured out that it's much easier to pick it up and walk over to one of the silly humans in the house and throw it against the human (no matter where they are in the house or what they are doing. Bella rule #2, of course is what Bella is doing is way more important than what either of the silly humans are doing, this rule comes in a close second to Bella rule #1 - What's hers is hers, what's yours is hers.).
This gets two results, first a treat almost always falls out and the silly human is then obligated to sit and roll the molecuball back to her everytime she rolls it to you. Like i said, the girl is smarter than the average bear. She's figured out how to make it easier to get the treats out, get a silly human to play with her, be the center of attention (she has been known to do this at our small parties so that everyone winds up sitting on the floor around her rolling the molecuball back to her as she rolls to to different people. It's like wieme spin-the-weime with molecuball & bella kisses) and make everyone laugh all at the same time.
Just remember if you come over, you might just have molecuball duty, it will definitely make you laugh, beside this is Bella's house remember rule #1.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Bella with her frog

Bella with her frog
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

After a hard day of being cute and playing, nothing like taking a little nap with your favorite frog while the silly humans paint.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Bella found object sculpture

Bella found object sculpture
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Ok, so here's the silly little story of Bella's found sculpture of shoes.

As anybody that is lucky enough to share their life with a crazy little k9 knows, there are many little weird and out there things that our little better halves tend to do. One of Bella's strange little quirks that she does when we are out is that she will go and collect right shoes. Yes, just the right, never the left, we aren't sure what it is about right shoes that she likes so much or rather what it is about left shoes that she doesn't like, but she has done this since she was a pup-pup and she has never chewed or destroyed a pair of shoes yet (nor anything else for that matter except for a Toulouse-Lautrec book and we aren't sure what it is about Toulouse that she didn't like, but she can be a bit of an art critic at times).
Anyway, one of her favorite things to do with the right shoes that she collects is create interesting little stacks or patterns with them. She doesn't always do the collecting of right shoes and make these weird little sculptures, it's really rather a 'whenever she gets the bug' kind of thing. We (the silly humans, who are too easily amused) call them Bella's found object sculptures. The funniest is when she picks up a right shoe and carries it around and even sleeps with it. The shoe is then hers until she decides you can have it back and if you try to trick her with a left shoe she will turn nose up to it. Left shoes are just not her bag, man. She is a silly little thing and definitely smart enough to know the difference between the left and right shoes.

Bella duo

Bella duo
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Bella sleeping on white

Monday, June 11, 2007

Bella: Little Miss. Rednose

Bella: Little Miss. Rednose
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Someone has been bad while we were out. Little Miss Bella, always a strong willed girl and always one who can open any closed door, decided that she should be in the bedroom on the bed while we were out and tried to open the bedroom door with her nose (look closely and you can see the redness).
It's not that we care whether she gets on the bed or not (our bed is her bed, Bella rule: what's her's is her's, what our's she her's), but that when we aren't there it's just safer for her not to be jumping up & down off the bed without us being there to help her. Anyone with an older puppy can understand i'm sure, she's just not as strong as she use to be. The problem is little Miss. Houdini here, has always been able to open any door no matter the handle or closure, plus if you just simply block off the door then she will move whatever it is in the way and then open the door. So we are always having to come up with new ways of keeping her from opening the door and trust me, it's hard work trying to out smart a Bella weime (and i do mean HARD WORK!, she smarter than the two of us put together).

Oh and don't worry, she has two really nice beds in the front room and studio, they are just as nice as her bed and our bed in the bedroom (twin futons folded over with Urban Sprawl® dogbed on top with soft cover and pillows. Yes, she's a pricess, spoiled and we are crazy) The problem is she just wants to go where she can't.
