Thursday, June 14, 2007

Bella and her molecuball

Bella and her molecuball
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Bella loves this toy and i must say i could sit and watch her playing with it all day. The toy is like three balls fused together with a small hole in the middle. The idea is that you can put small treats in it and your dog will knock and chase it around to get the treats out. Bella, being smarter than the average bear, figured out that it's much easier to pick it up and walk over to one of the silly humans in the house and throw it against the human (no matter where they are in the house or what they are doing. Bella rule #2, of course is what Bella is doing is way more important than what either of the silly humans are doing, this rule comes in a close second to Bella rule #1 - What's hers is hers, what's yours is hers.).
This gets two results, first a treat almost always falls out and the silly human is then obligated to sit and roll the molecuball back to her everytime she rolls it to you. Like i said, the girl is smarter than the average bear. She's figured out how to make it easier to get the treats out, get a silly human to play with her, be the center of attention (she has been known to do this at our small parties so that everyone winds up sitting on the floor around her rolling the molecuball back to her as she rolls to to different people. It's like wieme spin-the-weime with molecuball & bella kisses) and make everyone laugh all at the same time.
Just remember if you come over, you might just have molecuball duty, it will definitely make you laugh, beside this is Bella's house remember rule #1.

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