Thursday, October 25, 2007

Bella with love

Bella with love
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

For Kia. Our heart goes out to Kia and parents. We all four wish you well, much love and strength.

Gwen, Scott, Bella & OOna too.

OOna Poona

OOna Poona
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

OOna Poona, Puddin Pie,
Kiss the boys and make the cry,
With one look and you will melt,
Soon her power will be felt.

Obey the OOna kitty!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Bella sunshine

Bella sunshine
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Little Miss. Purple Nose looking pretty in the morning glow right before the rain moved in. We don't mind cause we really need the rain. She just looked so beautiful here so had to snap the shot.

OOna Upsidasium

OOna Upsidasium
Originally uploaded by studio583art.


First I will invent an anti-gravity liquid so that I can pour it on millions of tiny little pebbles for when the silly humans pick me up to cuddle me I can drop a pebble in their pocket. WWWWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes, yes it’s brilliant, I’m brilliant…because non of them can ever resist not wanting to cuddle-snuggle me and pick me up, I’m just too darn cute. HEEAHAHHEEAHWWWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHEEAH!!! It will be to easy to drop an anti-gravity pebble in their pocket, the foolish humans will never know!
And with the anti-gravity pebbles in their pockets, the silly humans will fall upside down and they won’t be able to stop without me. WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes, I will be their only hope for it will only be me that will be able to save the silly upside down humans! WAHAHAHAHAHA! YES, I WILL CONTROL THE ANTI-GRAVITY PEBBLES!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! The silly human will never know that it was I who dropped the anti-gravity pebbles in their pockets in the first place, silly, silly beings! WWWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Then I will…uh I…uhmmmm, oh….what…oh, how long have you been there, were you listening…no, well, i wasn’t planning anything evil…honest, i was just playing with my toy-thingy here…no really, honest, no evil schemes here, I’m evil scheme free…no, really you can trust me…really…honest…

Obey the OOna kitty!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Bella & Tess

Bella & Tess
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Bella received a wonderful surprise birthday card from another grand dame Tess and her wonderful Jill. Tess is a beautiful 17 year old who Bella definitely looks up to.

Two great looking gals in one shot, can't beat it.

Thank you & thank you everyone for all the birthday wishes and gifts!!

OOna sweetdreams

OOna sweetdreams
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

zzzzzzzzzz..wahahah..zzzz..waha..bring me grapes my miniozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..i’m queen of the world, wahahahazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…look into my eyzzzzzzzzzzzzyou can trust meezzzzz...wahahaheehezzzzzzzzzzzz..silly humanzzzzzzzzzz

when OOna kitty masterminds dreams…you know we are all doomed…be afraid, be very afraid…

Obey the OOna kitty!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Bella Battlescars

Bella Battlescars
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Whoever said that they slow down at 13, never met Bella.

Look closely and you can see the red scatches above her nose and right beside her left eye. Yes, we had a "Tom and Jerry" moment in the house last week and of all days - on Bella's Birthday. You have to understand that most weimes don't like cats and OOna for some weird reason is completely fascinated with Bella. Not the best combo. On normal days we do fine and keep the distance between them, but on Bella's birthday we had a house guest who had come into town for her party and half the house was blocked off.
Well, it kind of went down like this, it was 6 am Bella was getting up and Scott was hepling her (sometimes she needs a little helping hand in the mornings), OOna had decided to climb out of her room (yes, she has her own room where Bella can't go into, Bella gets the whole rest of the house. hey you turn 13 you get the larger space too). Anyway, Bella came around from the bedroom with Scott helping her backlegs a little, OOna had just climbed the barrier to her room, (the door to the front of the house was closed) OOna saw Bella and kind of trotted toward her Bella saw OOna and lounged like a cougar, Scott saw both and moved as fast as he could. When OOna realize Bella's intent she leaped straight up, claws out, Bella snapping the whole way. As OOna came back down Scott stuck his hand (his painting hand i might add so he must love both of the knuckleheads) between Bella face and jaws and OOna body and claws, He got the worst of it, he didn't throw OOna even though she was clawing up his arm but just carried her to the bedroom away from Bella.
OOna was fine, no scratches or anything hurt, just a little scared. Bella got to scratches as you can see, Scott was the worst for wear, took a little to stop the bleeding but he's fine now.

The crazy thing is later that day, OOna tried to get close to Bella again (she determind to be snuggle bunnies with Bella, little knuckle head). That time she simply took off. And people said that once Bella got scratched she would stop going after her or that being 13 she's to slow to catch something so fast. They obviously don't know Bella.

No OOna kitties were harmed in the taking of this picture...

OOna tuckeredout

OOna tuckeredout
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

The OOna kitty all tuckered out after her last round of shots at the dreaded evil vet (jk, we really love our vet, OOna made us say that).
The OOna kitty has a clean bill of health, YAY!!!! and she won't have to go back til (glup!) she gets fixed. We're not looking forward to that, the vet says that she might have to wear a small cone afterwards to keep her from pulling out her stitches. The Oona kitty will not be happy.
Her weight is the same, she's still only 4 pounds, guess evil kitty masterminds come in tiny packages. This time at the vet OOna did not like the poor sweet vet tech one bit, she made errr cougar noises everytime the vet tech tried to touch or even llok at her. Scott ennded up becoming the assistant. A funny moment in OOna land was when the vet and vet tech went to pick up the OOna kitty and she turned her head slightly toward them and went erreeeep very softly, both vet and vet tech froze and backed slowly away. We all giggled because she so tiny and that such a silly noise could make two full size humans stop so quickly. Don't mess with the OOna kitty, she was on a table and would go over and lean against Gwen or insist on being held by Gwen. We all kept looking at each other and saying, "But she's only 4 pounds."

In OOna land; Vet = Up to no good!

Obey the OOna kitty!
