Friday, September 21, 2007

OOna Majortom

OOna Majortom
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Wheeeewwww! We are still here!

No, really, don't let her fool you, the OOna evil mastermind does have a plan to take over and she's definitely working on it. How? How you ask could i know this evil secret plan (you mean, besides the evil 'Dastardly Dan' laugh we hear late, late at night). Well, let me tell you a story about our phone lines.

Over a week ago we woke up in the morning and our phone was dead. So of course we were like, "drat, now we have to get the phone company to find out what the problem is and fix it." Luckily we found the cell phone, though we notice that been place under the sofa along with a hammer, hmmmmmmm...well maybe we could had put it there....anyway, we shugged that off, called the phone company and they said they would check the line. Couple days later they got back to us (i know, quick service - not) and said the line was fine so they would need to check the connection to the house. Two more days go by and they say that the house connection is fine...curious, curious. So they say they can come out and check the phone and line inside - two more day later.
So the phone man finally shows up and starts checking the line (funny, but things just seem to drop into his way as he moves aruond the house...hmmmmmm). Anyway, he checks and checks and checks and everything seems fine with the line but still no dail tone and the phone is still good. So finally we start looking closely at the phone jack and notice that even though it appeared to be plugged into the wall, it really had been pull ever so gentle out but still left there like it might still be connected. Hmmmmmmmm...very cusious indeed....

SHE'S OUT TO GET US, HELP, HELP!!! Oh, wait i'm calm, i'm ok, OOna is great, yes, OOna is sweet, the OOna kitty would never do anything like that....

My nails, so forget it!

My nails, so forget it!
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

It ain't happening, no way man, you just better forget it.

For as long as Bella's nails have had to be trimmed, it has been a battle that would put Alexander the great to shame.
She does not like her nails clipped so when the time is appond us the battle is on. And it's definitely a battle of wills, to say the least. Scott pretty much has to lay on top of her and try and pull out an arm so Gwen can grab a paw and clip. She is as strong as an ox and faster than a squirrel so the whole time she is jerking her arms away to hide them in her bed. It can be rather silly.

The usually super sweet Bella can put up a fight like you would not believe. She's still cute as a button though, even when she ain't happy with her silly humans.

You can see she's hiding her front feet, the back ones are done already.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Two Cuties

Two Cuties
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Two peas in a pod

Two Cuties

Two Cuties
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

OOna kitty suggle interrupted by camera person. The OOna kitty is not pleased with camera person for this untimely interruption, there will be revenge....OOna kitty revenge is not pretty - no kisses for camera person...

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Bella sticker

Bella sticker
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

A close-up of the sticker we made to go on the back of each invite envelope, of course, couldn't do anything without little miss. gorgeous here doing her thing.

We knew we wanted something a little different, to have her looking out at you when you flip the envelope over and well, the model knew just what to do. I guess when you are a natural at the modeling gig, it's easy to get the silly humans to take a fun picture of you.

Bowl full of Bellas

Bowl full of Bellas
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Who doesn't need a little bowl full of Bellas. :)

These are the stickers that we made up for each of the envelope for the invites. just had to shot them sitting in the bowl with that sweet little face looking back up at you, just too cute.

OOna Eyes

OOna Eyes
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Gotta! Little OOna eyes looking back out at you, playing a little hide-n-seek...

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Bella Peekaboo

Bella Peekaboo
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Little sweetie peeking through the curtains giving her best "aren't i adorable look"

OOna vet visit2

OOna vet visit2
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Just another OOna pic from her vet visit this past weekend, it's kind of a funny image.
This is before the pill incident. You can tell because she's not making lud facial gestures at Dr. Adkins yet (although the pur mode has been shut off and she's definitely giving the doc her best "evil eye i will be your supreme ruler soon" look).

Monday, September 17, 2007

Blaaaaahky on 13

Blaaaaahky on 13
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Destruction of the birthday invite, oh the joy!!

Blaaaahky on 13, she going for 3!

Blaaaaahky on 13

Blaaaaahky on 13
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

What Bella thinks of turning 13!

We were sitting on the floor cutting and folding together the invites for her birthday bash (and of course, Bella was right there helping), then she decided to give her opinion of turning 13. She grabed one of the invites trotted over to her bed and proceeded to tear it apart with joy. heehee

Thirteen - spirnteen, she says 3 sounds more like it!

Bella math 13-10=3

OOna traveling

OOna traveling
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

OOna went for her 2nd vet visit this past weekend, had to get her second set of shots. She weighted in at almost 4 pounds. Awwwwww, the little world conqueror is growing up. She was a perfect little angel until Dr. Adkins (not that Dr. Adkins - her vet) gave her the deworming pill. OOna kitty took one look at that pill and said that pill is the FREAKING SAME SIZE AS MY MOUTH!. Suffice to say, the OOna was not pleased with Dr. Adkins. Let's put it this way, when OOna takes over sweet Dr. Adkins might work on getting back on OOna good side. She insisted on being in Gwen's arms and make ludded faces back at poor Dr. Adkins. She made no noise when she got the shots or even when they took her temp (and you know where they stick that, but what's a dignified future conqueror to do but grin and bear it). It was just that freaking pill, you'd think they could make it smaller or different shape, what's a tiny kitty to do...
