Monday, September 17, 2007

OOna traveling

OOna traveling
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

OOna went for her 2nd vet visit this past weekend, had to get her second set of shots. She weighted in at almost 4 pounds. Awwwwww, the little world conqueror is growing up. She was a perfect little angel until Dr. Adkins (not that Dr. Adkins - her vet) gave her the deworming pill. OOna kitty took one look at that pill and said that pill is the FREAKING SAME SIZE AS MY MOUTH!. Suffice to say, the OOna was not pleased with Dr. Adkins. Let's put it this way, when OOna takes over sweet Dr. Adkins might work on getting back on OOna good side. She insisted on being in Gwen's arms and make ludded faces back at poor Dr. Adkins. She made no noise when she got the shots or even when they took her temp (and you know where they stick that, but what's a dignified future conqueror to do but grin and bear it). It was just that freaking pill, you'd think they could make it smaller or different shape, what's a tiny kitty to do...

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