Friday, June 13, 2008

OOna blueyeblur

OOna blueyeblur
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Videos of the evil mastermind in action are coming...soon

Well, you know the great evil mastermind has to get her propaganda out there and brainwash the masses, heehee

Obey the Oona kitty!

Bella magicagain

Bella magicagain
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Bella is Magic...again

As all dog owners come to find out, crazy and doing what they want to do come hand and hand when it comes to their special little furry one, and this is especially true with a weimaraner. As much of a velcro dog as Bella is, she is also very independent and definitely strong willed. If she decides she wants to do something, she will freaking figure out a way to do it, special-needs dog or not.

So as you might have surmised, Bella has once again done one of those, "How in the hell did she do that!" kind of things. This time it was when we ran out to go buy a new dryer (since the stupid old one died). Since we could not take her with us (way to hot), she had to wear the dreaded cone and we figured it would be safer for her while we aren't there if she were just in the very front part half of the house, which would still give her the dinning room (we don't have a dinning room table so it's just a room), the breakfast room and the kitchen. This still gave her a lot of room, the problem is our dinning room and front living room are connected with no doors, just a doorway (she usually gets this area too while we are gone but we thought it might be too much with the cone). So we blocked off the doorway with the sofa and some other furniture, non of it small or even low to the floor.
We figured there's no freaking way she could get over it - you know, weak hind legs, wrapped toe and a cone to boot. Well shows what we know, silly humans. Not only did she get over it, we can't figure out how she did it. She somehow climb over two pieces of furniture with (once again) weak hind legs, wrapped toe and a cone and was sitting on the other side in the other half of the room - smile of course (she always thinks it's funny when she does something that we can't figure out. The crazy thing is that nothing was moved, it all looked the same except for the silly weime on the wrong side of the room. Oh wait, I guess I should the crazierest (it's a Bella work, trust me) thing is we had to run out again and we stacked the furniture even higher and she still was on the other side. AND NOTHING WAS MOVED! She is magic I tell you, magic!

Crazy little weime.
Have a great weekend! Love from Team Bella!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Bella pinktoe

Bella pinktoe
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Sorry for the confusion…

It seems that my last Bella post wasn’t clear, very sorry. What I meant by Bella and the dryer battle was that through washing and cleaning of all things Bella the dryer finally gave up, throwing in the towel to the many things that Bella is so good at messing up. You see, when you have an older dog sometimes they can have some incontinence issues, which little Miss. B. has. She also has some UTI’s that we are always battling because of the weakness in her hind area. We treat the UTI’s with Baytril, which does an incredible job of controlling it but the bacteria won’t go away (and we and our vets have tried everything). The Baytril is good (though expensive – $4 a pill) because it has given her back a lot of her control.
So, being that everything that is ours is Bella’s, we decided that we would never not allow her to go or by on anything in the house, studio or anywhere we go (putting in just one room was never something that we were ever going to do to her, what’s ours is hers so we had to find a way). This meant that we had to find a way that if she had an accident we could clean it up easily and not have everything smell like pee. Bella always feels so bad when it happens and has to get as far from it as she can. So we did a lot of research and from that we now not only have everything waterproofed, but we also have found some of the best stuff to clean with. I know it sounds strange, but everything that we own is waterproof and since all three of us (oh and OOna too) like nice materials and what not we had to figure out how to cover beds (ours, Bella’s), rugs, sofa and etc, etc, etc. Now you may have notice that there aren’t as many great waterproof products out there for dogs (though in the last year it has gotten better), so we started looking at the human incontinence option. Whether for your baby or older person, you would be amazed at how many wonderful products are out there that are made for humans that work incredibly for your dog.
So, how did this kill the dryer you ask? Well, if we have something that isn’t made of a waterproof material (like area rugs) then we wrap it in some Neatsheets or other waterproof barrier and then cover that with a quilt or nice sheet. I know, it sounds weird, but trust me, it not only works, it has made our lives so much easier and our wonder pup can be with us anywhere in the house. The great part is that when someone comes over, they never really know unless Bella has an accident while they are here. The only down side is the washing. Now you know why the dryer died.
Oh, and yes she also wears cotton doggie diapers at times too.

ps. There are some incredible cleaners out there that really take out the pee smell and clean different materials very well. If you are interested I can give you a list.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Master of the feltballs

Master of the feltballs
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

It seems the OOna kitty evil mastermind's favorite game is catching and fetching these little felt balls. It's the craziest thing, she will do it for hours (figures we would have a cat that fetches, we are dog people). I'll have to try and link a video of the little evil one in action so you can see just how silly this little evil one is.

Remember Obey the OOna kitty!

Bella dryerdestroyer

Bella dryerdestroyer
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

The Great Dryer Destroyer!

Bella - 2
dryers - 0

Yes, it seems the little princess purple nose is on a roll and now can ad the Fisher-Paykel dryer to her list of items she has taken down. It seems that our poor dryer threw in the towel (or should I say, "went out with a bang) last night. The repairman took a good look at the poor machine and said that it would be cheaper to just buy a new one. hmmmmmmmmmm....13 years, 7 months and she took out two dryers (the GE was killed by the purple nose wonder many years ago).

Soooooooooo, looks like we are shopping for dryers tonite... fun, fun

Monday, June 09, 2008

OOna birthdaygirl

OOna birthdaygirl
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

HA!! So you thought the evil one was taking a break, letting her evil minions breath easy...HA! the great evil mindmelter is back and she's not too happy cause her folks completely missed her birthday (or at least the day her silly humans figured was her birthday since the evil great one was found).
Did her silly human remember the great day that she graced this planet and began her quest to rule...NNNOOOOOOOOOO...and will her silly humans bet your bottom boodle they will WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! and whoever else forgot, it doesn't matter to the evil one whether you knew the date or not (you should have felt the earth shift the day and automatically known). So shudder mere humans, revenge will soon be hers... WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Obey the OOna kitty!

Bella funnyface

Bella funnyface
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

One more bandage change at the end of this week and Bella will be done. YAY!!

Her foot is healing wonderfully, in fact it looks incredible, we'll take so photos when the bandages finally come off for good.

Just a shot of the girl sunning herself, she's such a sun baby.
