Friday, June 15, 2007

Bella Hide-n-Seek

Bella Hide-n-Seek
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

know this shot is a little grainy, but it was shot in the dark.

You see one of Bella favorite games to play even when she was the tiniest of little pups has been hide-n-seek.
Sometimes it's her that does the hiding; under sheets or a blanket (she's always loved having herself completely covered including her head) and she loves it when you look under the sheets to find her, that's when you get all tongue and the more you giggle the funnier she thinks it is.

The other way she likes to play hide-n-seek is when one or both of her silly humans hide. She gets all excited and you can hear her running around the house, barking and looking through everything and everywhere to find whomever is hiding. She always knows when the game is afoot and she will always find you. heehee, silly weime

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