Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Bella sunbright

Bella sunbright
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Taking a rest in the bright sunlight of a great day...

The countdown is up & running and we're all running around like chicken little and friends. Looks like we'll be right up against the wire getting everything ready for her big day but i think (hope may be more like it...ARE WE FREAKING CRAZY) we'll be ready in time. The backyard still isn't completely done and we start prep work on the food tonight. As you can tell, cool as a cucumber Bella is relax and kicked back thinking (like always) that her silly humans have gone off the deep end.

A SUPER BIG, BIG THANK YOU to Kia, Lylah & Mindy for the wonderful for the wonderful homemade all natural treats for Bella's birthday.
Thank you so much, she loves them!

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