Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Bella pinkfeet

Bella pinkfeet
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Sometimes you're just all feet.

Bella is funny, around about when she turned 7 (5 plus years ago) she seemed to decide that she really liked have her head nuzzled. The funny thing is that you just can't simply nuzzle, she wants you to nuzzle her with your head, face against face, she even sometimes place her arm over your shoulder and will smash her face against yours the whole time bugging and grunting (yes, she knows it's not very lady like, but hey you tell her).
How do we know she like this, beside the fact she loves nuzzling upwards to 15 min. or so, she will also start her Bella bugging (that's rolling on her back, feet in air, stopping to see if anyone is paying attention and giving that silly, crazy Bella smile upside down), will lift her front feet in the air and bark. And the bark, that bark of all barks is no simple bark, it's short and quick with a touch of playfulness and when you look at her she gives you that silly grin with paw in air.
We just kind of see it as one of her silly sillies, and oh, don't dare try and go to bed without a head nuzzle, that is a definitely nono. She must recieve (by her demand) at least 10 min. of head nuzzle each from both her silly humans or no one sleeps no matter how tired anyone is.
Bella rule #4 by the way.

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