Thursday, October 18, 2007

OOna Master

OOna Master
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

Ona kitty (Evil Mastermind) gives pointers on creating your own evil genius laugh.

Now when you feel the need to TAKE OVER THE FREAKING WORLD...oh, sorry getting ahead of myself there…as i was saying, when you feel the world needs your undeniable skills as their future conquerer it is important to fully develop your true evil genius laugh. Many evil wantabes will be quick to tell you that an good evil genius laugh is a complete waste of time. HA the fools know so little my minions, that is why i am your true evil mastermind.

“What does an evil genius laugh provide?” your simple, little human mind ask. Well, i will tell you, my lower beings, as i do not want my minions embarrassing me in front of my nemesis. Perfecting a deep throaty evil laugh is an essential part of the repertoire a complete nefarious soul. Your evil laugh tells the world to quivering at your feet and that you are in control, you and you alone are their true master, and all hope for truth, justice and a savor will come to nell, nought, nadda. Yes, a truly effective evil genius laugh is a must, my lesser than less little rub.

Remember that lung power is essential in developing your evil genius laugh. Be sure to use your whole chest as a resonating chamber, not just the upper part of your lungs, you simple minded idgit. Timbre and tone are important here, you want a deep, wholesome chortle, punctuated by carefully timed breaks between the bursts of guffaw. Nothing says you have total control like a profound guffaw filled with derision and scorn at the feebleness of your soon-to-be-crushed opponents. Remember…Practice, Practice, Practice, lung power is essential, funny looking monkey beings. Also keep in mind that screaming at your minions for hours on end will also strengthen your vocal chords enabling you to fully lengthen your evil genius laugh (oh, opps, silly me, did i say that out load) It is essential that you develop a good evil genius laugh that can go on for what will seem like an eternity.

Now, i could go on longer but i do not wish to strike to much terror and fear into your feeble hearts today. Til next time my lowly minions….

Obey the OOna kitty!

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