Friday, November 09, 2007

4lbs OF HELL CAT!!

4lbs OF HELL CAT!!
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

You know things are not good when you get to the vet office to pick up your 4lb kitty and every single vet tech and the vet are all standing all standing 10 feet distance from the crate that holds your kitty and they all have slightly stunned looks on their faces. You also get a little nervious when you can hear (as soon as you walk into the door, i might add) the worst, most horrid sound you have heard in your life coming from the very same crate. And when walk over to stand with everyone else (at a safe distance) you begin to understand why your sweet, never harmed a fly before now 4 lb. kitty is now called HELL CAT!! by everyone in the vet office and why they all finch when you ask sheepishly, "Was she good?" Funny how much fear one little kitty can put into so many, uh did i mention that SHE ONLY 4 LBS!!!!
Well, when all you see is legs, claws, teeth and claws, oh and claws, did i say claws. The little OOna kitty looked like the Tasmanian Devil and sounded like a demon. The OOna kitty dose not like the vet and does not deal with pain well at all. All the other cats there were shrinking away from this little 4 lb terror, not to mention the humans. They drew straws as to who would put on the Hawk protection gloves and go pull her out so she could go home in a transport crate. Uh, did i mention that she was coming home with us, we were frighten. The OOna kitty was not happy to say the least.
Once the poor vet tech had gotten OOna hell kitty in her transport crate we were told to let her cool down for maybe an hour before trying to take her out so we drove around with her in the back of the subaru for an hour and when we got home and got her into her room (she now is in Bella's old Great Dane crate) she semm much calmer, even letting us touch her without freaking. The OOna hell kitty slept (we would check on her every hour) all night and has slowly gotten sweeter and sweeter, almost back to her normal self. She's got 10 days to heal before going (gulp!) back to get the stitches out. Let's just say the vet isn't looking forward to OOna's next visit...

Obey the OOna Hell kitty!! or else...(gulp, help)

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