Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Bella satellite

Bella satellite
Originally uploaded by studio583art.

The Dreaded CONE!

Yes, boys & girls that's right we now get perfect TV reception because someone (we won't name who) just can't be trusted to leave her bandage alone. You turn you eyes and the little rascal with the magic lips started the unravel process (and she faster than you would think).
A couple of days ago, the "Oh you can trust me" Deer Eye Weime managed to get her bandage open , decided to finger paint the house (fun, fun) and figure hell my folks need to spend a little more money and take me to the emergency vet to make sure her foot was fine and get a rewraping.
And of course she decided it would be fun to do this at pm rush hour traffic time. Oh the joy.
And why do we have a weime again? hmmmmmmmmmm...

Anyway, she was fine, no weime damage done to her foot, in fact it's healing nicely. But....
Now little B. is a Satellite. Her favorite thing to do...sweep the refrigerator clean of photos, though she hates the satellite. Little rat.

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